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You Don't Have TIME to Sit and Wonder When The Traffic Will Come!
by: Jack Humphrey
Copyright 2004 Jack Humphrey

There is so incredibly MUCH you can do to successfully promote your website starting in just a few minutes. In fact, the steps I will give you below can be repeated DAILY for 30 days, an hour a day, for 30 hours of hard-core, tested, proven, traffic-nabbing, sales-producing, profit-driving, marketers' bliss.

It's work, but by now I am hoping you know that the successful people, including me, have worked VERY hard to get where we are today. Online doesn't mean automatic and there is no software that will promote your business hands-off. Lots of tools that help, but there's no way around having to work to succeed in any online business.

That said, let's get to work.

Links Man!

You could spend all 30 hours and much more this next month just getting reciprocal and, more importantly, NON-reciprocal links to your site.

I see so many people just spinning their wheels wondering where to start with their promotion. You don't have TIME to sit and wonder! I am telling you right now that the only promotion tactic that will never EVER change on the internet, no matter what, is getting traffic through links.

There are tens of thousands of places on the web to get good, traffic-driving links.

Go to forums in your niche and get involved. In a year's time you are going to have so many links from just being moderately involved with people in your industry through forums that you will wonder why you didn't sign up as a member of several forums sooner!

You will find so many free resources around the net just by surfing around the sites that your BEST customers are most likely to visit. You don't have TIME to sit and wonder! Get surfing and find out where your customers are and GET YOUR LINK THERE!

I have said a thousand times by now in forums, books, teleseminars, and conferences: If you are going to outlast and outwit your competition and really SUCCEED online, you must show up everywhere your best customers surf. You HAVE to, and that's it.

Given that fact, you have a LOT you can do, really, to get in front of your audience.


I don't care if you hate writing and have a hard time spelling your name. You have to write informative articles (like this one) to get yourself in front of tens of thousands of people every week or every month, depending on your niche.

If you absolutely refuse to write, hire a ghost writer. You can get an article "ten pack" here:

Just don't let this treasure trove of traffic go to someone else when you simply have NOTHING holding you back in this promotion technique. It is one of the most important tools in the small online business owner's arsenal - USE IT!

Get free writing tools and article syndication tools and software here:


Professional blog software, like Expression Engine, comes with the ability to "ping" the blog search engines. (Getting into those engines is a whole new way to brand your site and products/services and most people are totally clueless to this fact.)

After the presidential race got started, bloggers became very famous. If you don't know what a blog is or how to set one up, or even why it is beneficial to HAVE a weblog, check out this resource:

See my blog here as example (and for way more traffic tools and resources than I can outline here):

Want to learn how to get Yahoo to run your website content via RSS? (RSS is a relatively new trend picking up a huge amount of steam among lay-marketers as a killer tool to increase traffic through syndication of their content.)

Check out this report on how to turn content into RSS and having Yahoo run it for free!


Find your forum. Every interest online has one by now, unless you are really into something no one has ever heard about. Sign up today and start participating. Make sure you set up your signature file with your site link.

So many people skip the easy stuff because they think since it's easy it can't be effective. Don't be one of those fools. Take the time to do this right now, today.

There are 10,000 other reasons to get involved in your market arena than just getting a link back to your site by participating, but that set of reasons you will have to discover yourself. Like today! I mean it!

Participate in Blog Discussions

Most blogs have comment areas with lively debates and discussions going on. Another source of branding and "getting to know" people who could turn out to be joint venture partners.

Joint Venture Partners

Getting joint ventures with key people in related industries who have a large reach to YOUR perfect audience is about the easiest traffic in the world to get. If you know how. Here is a free guide to joint ventures you should sign up for:

Key-In On What Top Marketers Are Doing NOW

One of the best series of teleseminars which runs weekly is the Perpetual Learning Series by JVAlert. The people they attract to speak to members are nothing less than the best of the best in internet marketing. Learning from them is easy with recorded calls or live events they have for you to choose from with nothing but marketing tactics!

You can even find me there for one of the teleseminars on linking!


Get yourself pumped up and STAY pumped up for 30 days. In one month you could be seeing a huge turnaround in your marketing and the results of your efforts. I am pointing you in the right direction. YOU have to take this advice and either do something with it or not. That I cannot help you with.

But as of now, you have no excuse to sit around feeling bad about your marketing and lack of traffic. There are zillions of ways to get noticed. Hopefully the above wets your appetite. Come back to my blog for more every week!

About the author:
Jack Humphrey is the author of Power Linking and Power Linking 2: Evolution and is currently working on Power Linking 2005, due for release in December. For more information:

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